
Things To Believe In When The World Makes You Sad

Believe in the power of art.

Art in all of its forms. Whether it’s painting, or photography, or theatre, or music, or dance, or literature, or sculpture, or a different medium – recognize that art has the power to make this world better. Art is the salve for the wounds of a soul. Art is the spark that ignites the fire of dreams. Art is how we know we are not alone. At the heart of it all, art is communication and connection.

Believe in the peace that nature brings.

Go outside and gaze at the sky. Stare at the sun. Gaze at the moon. Feel the sun rays and the moonbeams land upon your skin. When you get the opportunity to stand at the edge of the river, lake or ocean, take it. When you get the opportunity to climb to the top of a hill or mountain, I hope you take that too. See the ocean and the land sprawl out before and beneath you – recognize it’s magnificence and let it fuel your peace. There is a certain amount of divine magic that dances amongst the trees. Soak in that magic. Stand in the peace.

Believe in the goodness of people.

Even when the world is crazy, even when it seems like the sky is going to fall and the world is ablaze with negativity and sadness – most people, at their core, are good. If you let them, people can lift you up. If you let them, they can surprise you. If you let them, they will shower you with love. It’s ok to believe in the good in one another. It’s ok to see the good before you start seeking the bad, too.

Believe in love.

Love is real, it is true, it is the most beautiful thing in this world. As the great Lin-Manuel Miranda says, “love is love is love.” It’s ok to believe in love, always. It doesn’t make you cheesy. It doesn’t mean that you’re living in some romantic comedy that’s not grounded in reality – love is the heartbeat of humanity. Let your love shine in all that you do. Believe in love when the days get rough, and let your belief carry you through to see another tomorrow.

Kipyegon Sigei
Kipyegon Sigei
Passionate about inspiring people to discover the best part of them.

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