
Know Your Worth!!

Those days, you just want to go home because it feels broken inside, days you even wonder if it was really abode. It doesn’t feel right because all the dreams you had become asunder. How could you fix them.How could you try to mend what’s already broken.

Afar you see yourself ready to beget a child but all that because vanished because of a betoken of lost faith. Your desires eat you up, they grow roots of sorrows within you. All you want is to be blithe but your covered and surrounded by bosky forests. Why do you want to escape so bad?

Are you not meant to change it? You grew in it. You made it happen. Why do you quit? Is it because your too afraid for your voice to be heard? Are you not a bard? Why are you letting aurora dawn on you? Fight for a home you want.Behold for I see your worth. Let your celerity blow you away . You are worth a beautiful home. No dive can take that from you.

Do you see yourself in the past being robbed a home you could have. It is because of great dolour you find yourself here. Your worth the change. Fly like an eagle because your are stronger than you think. Let your voice be heard, let your worth be shown. Gird your instincts with your heart.

Dear black,white, mixed,queer girl, your flexuous and fulgent nobody should rob that from you. Let no one lure you into a hymeneal path. Embrace yourself. Love all your flaws. Once a wise man said…

“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing that we’ll ever do.”

And once I learnt the true meaning of that I felt impuissant.


Lilian Leticia
Lilian Leticia
I am a rare soul because when I describe myself I forget who I am. I find beauty in everything and in all books I have read. Writing evolves around my own world. I am outspoken and I am never afraid to say what’s on my mind.

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